From left: Dr Hab. Jacek Wąsik, Prof. UJD, Her Magnificence Prof. Dr Hab. Anna Wypych-Gawrońska – UJD Rector, Master Tadeusz Łoboda - PTA Vice-President, Master Jerzy Jedut - PTA President
On 3rd July 2018 in rector’s office of Jan Długosz University in Czestochowa with Headquarters at Waszyngtona street 4/8 in Czestochowa in Poland was signed the cooperation agreement between Polish Taekwon-Do Association and University.
Master Jerzy Jedut – President and Master Tadeusz Loboda – Vice-president for organizational-educational matters signed the agreement on behalf of PTA Board of Directors. The University was represented by Her Magnificence, Prof. Dr Hab. Anna Wypych-Gawrońska, Rector of UJD and Dr Hab. Jacek Wąsik, Prof. UJD.
The subject of the agreement was determination of cooperation within the organization of the post graduation studies for coaches – members of Polish Taekwon-Do Association. The studies will be hold in the academic year 2018/2019 and will consist of two semesters.
43 candidates applied for the study. Among them there are 31 people who wished to become class II coaches, 7 people for class I coach and five attendees will become master’ class coaches. All the candidates will obtain the certificate of graduation from a postgraduate program and coaches’ diplomas.
The lecturers will be the outstanding specialist and recognized authorities in area of sport such as for example: Professor Wieslaw Pilis or Professor Henryk Sozański.
The study will be another important stage of development of Taekwon-Do in Poland. It is next initiative of Polish Taekwon-Do Association. In the past similar studies were hold at Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport and Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw - Faculty of Physical Education in Biała Podlaska.
The inauguration of academic year is intended to take place on 19th October 2018 in Czestochowa.